Photographer / Art Technician Available

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Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:22 am

Photographer / Art Technician Available

Post by Artman » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:35 am

I've been in Finland just over a year now and have had some luck with a few jobs, but older clients in the UK have kept me busy. I'm now really trying to get involved with the scene in Helsinki and work as a photographer and as a Museum Technician.

I have worked in Museums for over 15 years including major worldwide touring exhibitions in various (random) locations: Syria, Korea, Germany, India, Lithuania... I have also worked as an artists assistant for a number of practitioners. I have very good knowledge of the 'ins and outs' of exhibitions!

My photography work is quite varied - in the UK i did a lot for nightclubs and covering cycle races. (Two fields that don't have the same opportunities here it seems). So in Helsinki I have ended up doing a lot of music photography. (Anyone need gig photos shooting)? If anyone wants to have a look at my work, my site is:

If anyone has any interesting arts projects happening and need some help or some photographic documentation, do let me know! (Dance, theatre, music, fine art... whatever)!

Photographer / Art Technician Available


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