Finnish Grammer book down load info.

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Finnish Grammer book down load info.

Post by PeterF » Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:16 am

Kalmisto gave this link in another thread and I think it deserves its own Thread plus some explantion for not PC experts as it is non straight forward.
EXPERTS Ignore this..
You can download this Grammar Book onto your computer:
unzip it and make a short cut to desk top without my help ..but for non PC experts read on...

Assumme you have windows (sorry I am not familiar with other op systems) You must also have Win Zip..
First you need to create a folder on you C drive.
Right click on the start logo bottom left of your task bar.
It will open a selection
Choose "explore"
IT will show you all of the folder on your PC one of which will be:
"local disc C"
Left click it.
Top left hand corner of your screen you see "file" "edit" "view"
select right click "file"
Choose "new" then "folder"
Now on the right of your screen you will see a new folder with highlighted name "new folder" type in a name e.g. grammer
Now you are ready to down load.
It will ask you to browse for a so and choose your new folder.
You will see the file being down loaded.
When it is finished explore again and you will find a zip file in your new folder..You must have win zip...
double click on the zip file and unzip it into the same folder.
Now comes the bit which even PC experts need to watch as it is not obvious...
Explore again and you will find a folder inside your new folder called "suomi"--click it...inside the folder you will find a file.
"index html"
Click it..
Non niin nearly there..
Middle of the screen select contents..
It is now in English..
Final make a short cut to your PC desk top.
Close the window..."x" top right corner.
Close all other windows so you can see your PC desk top.

Right click on you desk top select "new...short cut"

Browse again and find the same"index html" and select "finish" and you are.. and should have a happy grammer book!

Finnish Grammer book down load info.


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