When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from police?

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When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from police?

Post by biz_it » Sun Mar 29, 2015 7:33 pm


Last week, I got my new drivers license and started driving this weekend. I have driven quite OK during the weekend but made few minor mistakes and dont know if I will get any voilation ticket for any mistake I might have made. For example, few ones I realized were

1) at quite a few places, when trying to move the car, the car stopped and I had to like restart the engine but the signal went red again and I thought the people behind me might be pissed off. Is that any violation?

2) While entering one highway, My speed went to 85 for a brief moment while the limit was 80. I quickly brought it back within the limit

3) At one petrol station, which was almost in a street, when My car had stopped and when I started turning right, I think I might have broken the red signal. Not sure, but If the police van was not there, can I still somehow expect to get a violation ticket?

4) When I was lost, I started driving much slower than the limit (much less than 40 for example) (not on highways/motorways)

At each passing moment, I am getting better at this. However, I believe that all beginner drivers might be making these mistakes but still want to know what has been your experience when driving first time fresh out of school and driving first time alone


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When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from police?


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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by Marsh04 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:03 pm

you won't get any tickets for these offences but they are annoying for others

Things will improve with time but

1- Be very careful about traffic light that's a serious offence
2- If you are driving too slowly and there are car's behind you pull over to side of the raod (bus stop) every now and then to let people behind you over take you

Driving in Finland is mostly easy, people behind you don't start honking their horns if you are a little slow or your engine stops on traffic lights, good for new drivers. In most of the USA people are terribly ignorant and cause a lot of stress for people who are already in trouble.

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by caster » Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:34 pm

avoid driving in peak hours - follow the road signs - never overspeed - by doing so - you are saving a life on planet earth :thumbsup:
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. I'm gonna grant him all my old underwears that fit his head helping his nose stays in place

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by biz_it » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:03 pm

Thanks for all the suggestions. Will keep that in mind. Regarding the speed, I was rather worried that at some points I was rather slow than overspeeding. Only at one point while entering the motorway, I overspeeded it but quickly realized it and brought it back within 10 seconds. Overall, I think my speed was fine and slow at some points. Major problem was being slow when getting lost and stopping the engine at signals. And yes, when I entered garage today, I realized that I had not turned my headlights on but will be careful next time. Just few questions more.

1) For what kind of offences you get the tickets at home without even realizing. For example if you overspeed and the camera catches you, you will get the ticket at home.

2) If you park incorrectly, do you get the ticket on spot or do they send it to your home? If you dont get the ticket on spot, Are there still chances to get it at your home or if you dont get it on the spot, you are saved?

3) What kind of offences the police catches on spot and if you are not caught on spot, you will not get the ticket at home?

P.S: Everyone makes mistake and I want to keep it to minimum and do a careful driving and as suggested above, will try to practice in less busy hours or weekends. However, since I am a beginner and might be making minor mistakes, just want to know what to expect if I make any mistake

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by Flossy1978 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:46 pm

How on earth did you get your license if you keep stalling the engine?

5km over the speed limit won't get you a ticket :D

Driving TOO slow under the limit CAN get you a ticket.

You need to calm down. You seem to be stressing too much and that is what lead you to having an accident, which will for sure get you a ticket if you are to blame.

And maybe buy an automatic car???? Stalling issues are then fixed :D

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by Marsh04 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:50 pm

Parking ticket is shoved under your wiper so you see it when you come back to take your car. Speeding tickets can be on spot or arrive to you home later but almost always you notice the flash of the camera if you are caught speeding. If police see you breaking any rule they mostly stop you and fine you on spot.

Don't think too mmuch about tickets, try not to break any rules, drive carefully, never try to be too smart and never try to show off your driving skills. As a new driver you should always drive defensively.

Mostly probably you have a new car (new for you) as you just got your licence, you should drive your car on empty roads to get used to your car, that will allow you to concentrate more on your driving while driving in traffic and it will also solve your stalling problem

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by biz_it » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:21 pm

Well stalling was not my major problem :). I only stalled it probably twice (one at petrol pump and once at another signal) and that is because I am getting used to this other car that I have bought. I got used to the previous car so much that I did not stall it even once during the whole learning period and then test.

My major problem is not actually the handling of car but rather getting used to the traffic and roads. Yesterday, I did have these problems but today I drove for few hours without any problem. I just wanted to know some rules that I could not find in the rule books.

Thanks all for the kind and useful suggestions and answers

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by riku2 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:45 am

Flossy1978 wrote:5km over the speed limit won't get you a ticket
You should also realise that most car speedometers show about 10% higher than the actual speed. So when it shows 85 you're probably doing 78. Get a GPS and use that to find the real speed.

Generally the "mistakes" you've mentioned are no worse than what regular Finns are doing on the road (with the exception of stalling).

With time you will learn to:
use the phone while driving, it seems about 10% of drivers going past are on the phone. the police don't seem to enforce the law here whatsoever.
when overtaking on the motorway slow down to almost match the car you are overtaking. then once past the car, speed up so others behind you can't easily get past you.
pull out from side roads causing others to brake, or drive onto motorways expecting everyone to make a space for you.
pull onto roundabouts causing those already on the roundabout to slow down
stop at the entrance to roundabouts even though no cars are coming around it (still not sure why drivers combine this and the previous mistake!)
drive down the middle of country roads, reluctantly moving to the right if a car comes the other way. going around bends is no exception to this rule. they stay in the middle of the road.
if you are in a hurry, drive 10cm behind the car in front, this will make the car in front speed up
overtake on country roads, but only if the road is at least 2km dead straight and no car visible in those 2km (god knows how they would overtake anything in England where such quiet/straight roads don't exist).
if joining any major road with 3 or more lanes, move IMMEDIATELY to the left two lanes, regardless of the road being 4 lanes wide for several more km.

I think finnish drivers are the most careless/impolite to other drivers on the road that I know anywhere in the world. I think they are just not taught this concept when learning to drive. Only observe the road signs and nothing more (and even that they don't always do). It's absolutely the worst place I know for mobile phone use while driving and i've seen a few go straight through red lights while on the phone.

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by FinnGuyHelsinki » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:34 am

riku2 wrote:It's absolutely the worst place I know for mobile phone use while driving and i've seen a few go straight through red lights while on the phone.
I remember having read of a study, which showed that talking with a hands-free is as detrimental to driver attention as is driving while holding the phone to one's ear. Talking on the phone or not, running the red lights is rampant, at least in the capital region (most of my driving is within circle road 1), at certain places it's more a rule than an exception that the last car or a couple of cars enter the intersection when the light is already red. Putting a camera van at a few of those locations for a day would surely result in hundreds of tickets.

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by riku2 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:00 am

I think red light cameras are very rare in the capital area but I remember some in tampere. perhaps it's the town council who decides whether to install them.

The same applies for using bus lanes. Ring 1 in espoo suffers especially for this. if there is heavy traffic then it seems plenty of people decide to use them.

I'd quite welcome average speed cameras through roadworks there. it would teach people to follow the speed limit signs. not decide for themselves when/where the roadworks speed limit applies which seems to be the rule here.

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by Upphew » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:20 am

riku2 wrote:I'd quite welcome average speed cameras through roadworks there. it would teach people to follow the speed limit signs. not decide for themselves when/where the roadworks speed limit applies which seems to be the rule here.
It would help if the reason for lower speed limit wouldn't said to be safety of workers... who are nowhere to be seen.
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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by riku2 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:27 am

Upphew wrote: It would help if the reason for lower speed limit wouldn't said to be safety of workers... who are nowhere to be seen.
That is exactly the logic I think people have in finland. They decide if there are workers present/construction actually going on and then decide to obey the limit.

The drivers should instead be concentrating on driving, not evaluating the seriousness of the construction work and deciding for themselves what speed would be suitable for going through the different parts of the roadworks.

But people get what they deserve. It's common to have 50km/h speed limits on motorways through construction areas in Finland. In the UK 80km/h would be more normal, thanks to more cones/better layout/generally better behaviour by drivers. And that in a country with a substantially higher amount of traffic and noticeably safer roads than in Finland.

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by Upphew » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:32 am

riku2 wrote:That is exactly the logic I think people have in finland. They decide if there are workers present/construction actually going on and then decide to obey the limit.
True. It would help if same spot wouldn't have lower speed limits for weeks when there isn't any construction happening. Is the lower limit for safety of the workers who are sipping beer during their holiday?
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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by Marsh04 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:34 am

Over taking especially a large truck and in poor driving conditions at a very high speed is dangerous. It's always better to overtake with not very huge speed difference

I felt drivers drive a lot closer to next vehicles in the UK, that's why they have a disaster if they ever have a centimeter of snow in the southern parts of the country.

I've driven in at least 15 different countries and I can say other than stopping at zebra crossings (which is also mostly down to unclear law) Finnish drivers are good and considerate.

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Re: When can you be sure to get a voilation ticket from poli

Post by AldenG » Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:11 pm

FinnGuyHelsinki wrote:
riku2 wrote:It's absolutely the worst place I know for mobile phone use while driving and i've seen a few go straight through red lights while on the phone.
I remember having read of a study, which showed that talking with a hands-free is as detrimental to driver attention as is driving while holding the phone to one's ear.
Yes, the figure I see cited most often, including by traffic authorities, is a 4x increase in accidents from talking, regardless of hands-free or handheld, and a 23x increase from reading or writing texts. A few times I've had to scoot out of the way of a texter to prevent a sure accident. I don't understand that kind of willful stupidity. I saw a guy wipe out on a bicycle while reading his phone. Reading texts, not to mention writing them, is considerably more dangerous than low-end DUI. Texting while driving is illegal even in the US, of course, but I've never heard of someone getting a ticket for it unless they had an accident from it. For many people, even just the talking makes them as likely to have an accident as an experienced drunk driver at the low end of a BAC violation -- not that I would want to give any reassurance to people experienced at driving drunk, but it lends a certain perspective to the question of talking.

Not mentioned as often is that people also have an increased risk of accident from in-person conversations with a passenger, but it's not as dramatic a factor as talking to someone who is elsewhere.
As he persisted, I was obliged to tootle him gently at first and then, seeing no improvement, to trumpet him vigorously with my horn.

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