Asumisoikeus - English?

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Asumisoikeus - English?

Post by harryc » Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:44 pm

Has anyone seen any good 'original English' explanations of the Asumisoikeus program?

There's tons of stuff in Finnish - but matters like this get pretty legal and technical - and don't lend themselves to any Google translations and even 'average Finnish' skills aren't adequate. This is clear from even Finns that try to figure it out are mostly realizing it's a giant huijaus/scam.

So it would be nice if there was some real English somewhere to explain it - and maybe also handle these scam aspects.

(The scam part is seen to be basically 'legal' but because big political parties and 'approved millionaire/investors' are involved, there seems to be minimal 'investigation.')

Asumisoikeus - English?


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Re: Asumisoikeus - English?

Post by Piet » Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:44 pm

I guess it basically means you buy a right to occupy a house, and a share into the company renting out these houses. Besides this bought right and partial ownership (of the company not the real estate), you will need to pay the company that owns the housing a fee for maintenance repairs etc, call it rent.

The benefit of this construction is that nobody can cancel your rent / right for living / occupying the dwelling, the downside is that it initially costs a lot which you will only get back when you move again and sell your right.

See it as renting an apartment while being partly owner of it (which you actually are not).

To me it also looked like a scam, but when you calculate it through, it is the same or a little cheaper than renting the same apartment, with a right to vote in the housing company that owns your house (you are shareholder of the company that owns your apartment).

This explanation comes most close (according to my knowledge).
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Re: Asumisoikeus - English?

Post by harryc » Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:31 pm


But there is a rather complicated structure behind this - far more complex many are familiar with the co-op system.

I find right off with Google these below - my Finnish is not too bad but I get thrown for a loop with a number of these - legalese, etc. Thus wondering if anyone had dissected in English. I sure do smell a problem here - I've been told it's a neat way to 'print money' - but you better be well-heeled and well-connected.

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