Permanent residence permit or citizenship

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Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by DrStrange1990 » Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm

Hi Friends,
Can you help me to answer these questions:
1) Is it always mandatory to pass YKI test and have a level 3 certificate to apply for Citizenship?
2) Has anyone tried to apply for citizenship without passing YKI test?
3) Should i apply for Permanent Residence Permit or citizenship? If
- I have a child who is Finnish citizen
- My wife is Finnish citizen
- I have a permanent job
- I have A type residence permit which will expire in 1 year and i have lived in Finland with A type permit for 3 years 10 months

Thanks for your kind feedback!

Permanent residence permit or citizenship


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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by hotplay » Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:58 pm

DrStrange1990 wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm
Hi Friends,
Can you help me to answer these questions:
1) Is it always mandatory to pass YKI test and have a level 3 certificate to apply for Citizenship?
2) Has anyone tried to apply for citizenship without passing YKI test?
3) Should i apply for Permanent Residence Permit or citizenship? If
- I have a child who is Finnish citizen
- My wife is Finnish citizen
- I have a permanent job
- I have A type residence permit which will expire in 1 year and i have lived in Finland with A type permit for 3 years 10 months

Thanks for your kind feedback!
You can not apply without having the YKI test certificate or school/job training certificate completed in Finnish or Swedish.
Other than those , you can apply for exception based on a medical condition ,ilitracy ,or old age , but none other

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by heretostay » Mon Dec 27, 2021 7:14 pm

1) YKI level 3 or some other migri approved documentation of language skills.

2) Exceptions are extremely rare. You need something like documentation of a severe cognitive handicap that would prevent you from learning a new language. ... equirement

3) Permanent residence permit is a good idea in my opinion for your case. Citizenship applications are currently being processed very very slowly. You don’t want to be in a position of having to renew your permit while citizenship application is pending. And you can take your time with getting the language skills.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by rio » Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:37 pm

DrStrange1990 wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm
1) Is it always mandatory to pass YKI test and have a level 3 certificate to apply for Citizenship?
Yes. But you should check the requirements carefully, probably you dont need to pass all of the sections.
DrStrange1990 wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm
2) Has anyone tried to apply for citizenship without passing YKI test?
No and you shouldn't. There might be some exception but it would make your case very weak.
DrStrange1990 wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm
3) Should i apply for Permanent Residence Permit or citizenship? If
- I have a child who is Finnish citizen
- My wife is Finnish citizen
- I have a permanent job
- I have A type residence permit which will expire in 1 year and i have lived in Finland with A type permit for 3 years 10 months
It will make more sense to apply for PR. Once you have it then you can apply for citizenship and let it process. The process can take over quite long time, so if you apply for citizenship without having a valid residence permit, you wouldn't be able to travel anywhere.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by FinlandGirl » Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:25 am

rio wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:37 pm
so if you apply for citizenship without having a valid residence permit, you wouldn't be able to travel anywhere.
If you apply for citizenship without having a valid residence permit, your citizenship application will be denied and you might have already been deported at that point.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by rio » Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:38 am

FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:25 am
If you apply for citizenship without having a valid residence permit, your citizenship application will be denied and you might have already been deported at that point.
you're right, but i assumed that the OP has:
DrStrange1990 wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm
A type residence permit which will expire in 1 year
I thought s/he's planning to apply before the permit expires. Usually you can stay in the country while your residence permit is processing, I assumed it would be same with the citizenship application.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by FinlandGirl » Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:50 am

rio wrote:
Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:38 am
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:25 am
If you apply for citizenship without having a valid residence permit, your citizenship application will be denied and you might have already been deported at that point.
you're right, but i assumed that the OP has:
DrStrange1990 wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm
A type residence permit which will expire in 1 year
I thought s/he's planning to apply before the permit expires. Usually you can stay in the country while your residence permit is processing, I assumed it would be same with the citizenship application.
It is not.

You need to have had an A permit for at least one year immediately before Migri makes a decision on the citizenship application.

Expiry of the residence permit causes rejection of the citizenship application.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by jperickson » Tue Jan 11, 2022 10:38 am

FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:50 am
You need to have had an A permit for at least one year immediately before Migri makes a decision on the citizenship application.
Can't you also have a P (permanent) permit when applying for citizenship?

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by FinlandGirl » Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:05 pm

jperickson wrote:
Tue Jan 11, 2022 10:38 am
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:50 am
You need to have had an A permit for at least one year immediately before Migri makes a decision on the citizenship application.
Can't you also have a P (permanent) permit when applying for citizenship?
Yes, P is like A.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by heretostay » Sat Mar 26, 2022 1:09 pm

Migri will accept a permanent residence permit 90 days before you fulfill the 4 year requirement. I did this myself and it was no problem.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by Scolix » Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:45 pm

heretostay wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 1:09 pm
Migri will accept a permanent residence permit 90 days before you fulfill the 4 year requirement. I did this myself and it was no problem.
When did you apply for the PR? How long is the process?

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by heretostay » Thu Apr 21, 2022 5:25 am

Scolix wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:45 pm
When did you apply for the PR? How long is the process?
It was 2 years ago and it took 7 months after I was eligible. So 10 months in total because I applied early.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by necadam » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:05 am

DrStrange1990 wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:03 pm
1) Is it always mandatory to pass YKI test and have a level 3 certificate to apply for Citizenship?
2) Has anyone tried to apply for citizenship without passing YKI test?
1) It is not mandatory to pass YKI test in particular, but you need to pass any of the proofs of language proficiency listed in citizenship law. However, YKI is probably the easiest and most straightforward (but not necessarily cheapest) way.
2) I did. I applied with "toisen kotimaisen kielen koe" from university, not with YKI. (Aikamoinen paperisota, kun tämä oli näköjään aika harvinainen tapaus ja hakemustani käsittelevä virkamies ei edes itse tuntenut lakia, mutta loppujen lopuksi kaikki onnistui hyvin, ja minusta tuli Suomen kansalainen.)
yrtti wrote:
Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:45 pm
1.Yes absolutely, it's a mandatory requirement.
No, it's more complicated. See above / read the law:
17 § (20.5.2011/579)
Kielitaidon osoittaminen

Kielitaitoedellytyksen täyttäminen voidaan osoittaa suorittamalla:

1) yleinen kielitutkinto taitotasolla kolme;

2) valtionhallinnon kielitutkinto tyydyttävällä suullisella ja kirjallisella taidolla;

3) perusopetuksen oppimäärä suomi tai ruotsi äidinkielenä tai toisena kielenä;

4) lukion oppimäärä suomi tai ruotsi äidinkielenä tai toisena kielenä;

5) suomen- tai ruotsinkielinen ylioppilastutkinto, johon sisältyy hyväksytty arvosana suomesta tai ruotsista äidinkielenä tai toisena kielenä;

6) ammatillisesta koulutuksesta annetussa laissa (630/1998) tarkoitettu suomen tai ruotsin kielellä suoritettu ammatillinen perustutkinto;

7) ammatillisesta aikuiskoulutuksesta annetussa laissa (631/1998) tarkoitettu suomen tai ruotsin kielellä suoritettu ammattitutkinto tai erikoisammattitutkinto;

8) yliopistojen tutkinnoista annetun valtioneuvoston asetuksen (794/2004) 6 §:n 1 momentin 1 kohdan tai ammattikorkeakouluista annetun valtioneuvoston asetuksen (352/2003) 8 §:n 1 momentin 1 kohdan mukaiset suomen tai ruotsin kielen opinnot tai kypsyysnäyte suomen tai ruotsin kielellä.
In other ways, apart from YKI there are seven different ways to fulfill that requirement. An also, in some cases you can get it without fulfilling the language requirements:
18 b § (20.5.2011/579)
Kielitaitoedellytyksestä poikkeaminen

Ulkomaalaiselle voidaan myöntää Suomen kansalaisuus 13 §:n 1 momentin 6 kohdan estämättä, jos:

1) hakijan Suomessa olevan, vakinaisen ja päätoimisen työn hoitaminen on kohtuuttoman vaikeaa ilman Suomen kansalaisuutta;

2) hakija on 65-vuotias tai sitä vanhempi ja hänellä on Suomessa pakolaisasema, toissijainen suojeluasema tai oleskelulupa humanitaarisen suojelun perusteella;

3) hakija ei pysty terveydentilansa taikka aisti- tai puhevammansa vuoksi täyttämään kielitaitoedellytystä;

4) muutoin on olemassa erittäin painava syy kielitaitoedellytyksestä poikkeamiselle.

Luku- ja kirjoitustaidottoman sekä 65-vuotiaan tai sitä vanhemman hakijan osalta, jolle on myönnetty oleskelulupa muulla kuin 1 momentin 2 kohdassa tarkoitetulla perusteella, voidaan kielitaitoedellytyksestä poiketa, jos hakija hallitsee suomen tai ruotsin kielen ymmärtämisen ja puhumisen alkeet tai on osallistunut säännöllisesti suomen tai ruotsin kielen opintoihin.

Luku- ja kirjoitustaidottomuus sekä muut 2 momentissa tarkoitetut edellytykset osoitetaan hakijan suomen tai ruotsin kielen opettajan antamalla todistuksella.
Anyway, passing level 3 YKI is really easy, one should be able to attain it with some amount of effort within a few months.

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by Scolix » Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:59 am

Anyone got PR recently? How long does it take for processing these days?

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Re: Permanent residence permit or citizenship

Post by boy30062021 » Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:18 am

Scolix wrote:
Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:59 am
Anyone got PR recently? How long does it take for processing these days?
I have been waiting for over 5 months now. Since I have few days to complete the 4 years maybe that is why mine took long. When did you apply and when your current permit is expiring? I know someone who has applied in October and still has not gotten it. Have you already completed your 4 years? Because I heard even 1 day left on your 4 years they will not give you

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