Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by Piet » Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:53 am

FinlandGirl wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:49 am
That's all fake news, because you fail at reading.
Depends on what you read…

Who said something about trading grain?... I said trading, seems your ability to read is even worse than mine, it was Grain AND Wood, both in huge quantities and resold by the Dutch with huge profits, or for own use in years of scarcity, keeping food cost and ship building cost low, to maintain the power in trade.
In 1550, the Swedish Crown founded a new city in the ‘Eastland’ region, as medieval Finland was known –– Helsinki. One defining goal for the new city was to achieve economic victory over Tallinn situated across the Baltic Sea. Though this endeavor was not successful, the new city overcame many early difficulties and proved its importance.
Minna Hilska, Ulpu Marjomaa & Marko Halonen
So….what fake news, I think you are just in denial..

About the grave... I need to admit you are right, I was not mentioning all details I needed to specify: it is the oldest grave with a tombstone (how else would you know it is from a Dutch merchant).

I will ignore the rest of your post with remarks about fake news... I have my sources as you can see, I also have my interpretation of those resulting in previous mentioned conclusions.
These conclusions might be a little colored due to my descendant and I like to generalize for arguments sake but still, you did not show me yours.. so until then... I guess I will trust my "fake news" more than your "real news" like most Finns believe they invented the electric car... :lol:

About immigration differences you mentioned in the last part of your post… there is no difference in law for either group you mentioned, this is probably also not allowed due to anti discrimination EU laws and the Geneva convention for the universal human rights.
You cannot have one without the other...therefore the change (On topic) in law is a bad bad bad idea, but you will all find out later when your diaper needs to be changed, as Nukku Matti said.

Something else, I feel some anger in your posts towards me, do you have anything against the Dutch? (you seem to love Nukku Matti and you know he is Dutch).

As other people said before here, you seem very negative and confronting to everyone, you even take my previous post very the remark about the Dutch impregnating all the Finnish women...which is of course a joke.. no one knows anything about that for sure...
Although... I must say I did my best :lol: considering Finnish birthrate being declining and at a historic low, I have helped getting it up in my years in did most other Dutch I know, most of those were men and came here not for the work but for love... you would be stupid to come to Finland when highly educated and looking for work.. Job opportunities in the rest of Europe and US / Canada are way bigger..salaries too.

Dutch men are just not emotional Amoebae like the Finnish men (yes I know it is generalization for arguments sake), as my wife would like to say (her words not mine).

And those were my 2 cents of today.. have a nice week everyone and do not expect the proposed change in unemployment benefits regarding language skill requirements to pass, because Brussels will not allow it, like law experts already pointed out, (discrimination).

Terveisin Piet.

edit: typo

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years


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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by FinlandGirl » Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am

Piet wrote:
Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:06 pm
• Did you know that the King of Sweden build Helsinki harbor because of the Dutch trade with the Baltics (Tallinn),
Piet wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:53 am
In 1550, the Swedish Crown founded a new city in the ‘Eastland’ region, as medieval Finland was known –– Helsinki. One defining goal for the new city was to achieve economic victory over Tallinn situated across the Baltic Sea. Though this endeavor was not successful, the new city overcame many early difficulties and proved its importance.
Minna Hilska, Ulpu Marjomaa & Marko Halonen
Any person of at least average intelligence immediately recognizes that a text that does not even contain the word "Dutch" does not support your fake news that the Dutch were the reason for the foundation of Helsinki.
Piet wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:53 am
About the grave... I need to admit you are right, I was not mentioning all details I needed to specify: it is the oldest grave with a tombstone (how else would you know it is from a Dutch merchant).
Any claims that Hans van Sanden was definitely Dutch are fake news, this is only a guess based on the name.
The exact inscription on the original gravestone is also unclear and disputed, part of it was guessed when the copy that exists today was made 300 years later.

A strong case can be made that he was a German from the Lübeck (which was like Tallinn a member of the Hanseatic League) van Senden family of merchants who are known to have traded in the 16th century from Portugal to Tallinn.

This German family was also called "von Senndenn", "van Zeuden", "van Zenden", "Vansendon", "von Sanden" and "van Sanden" in various locations in Europe. Many of these names might sound Dutch, but this German family was named after a municipality Senden in Germany.
Piet wrote:
Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:06 pm
• Did you know that according to an article at Yle, the Finns DNA has the most similarities from all European nationalities, with the Dutch (Hollantilaiset).
Piet wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:53 am
Depends on what you read…
You seem to be very determined to demonstrate continuously that you are not capable of reading and understanding even a simple text.

Any normal person understands that the statement "Finns may be more closely related to the Dutch than to Hungarians" does not make any claims whether Finns are even closer related to Estonians or Swedes, and your absurd claim "most similarities from all European nationalities with the Dutch" can only be called fake news that was invented by you and is not written in this Yle article.
Piet wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:53 am
About immigration differences you mentioned in the last part of your post… there is no difference in law for either group you mentioned, this is probably also not allowed due to anti discrimination EU laws and the Geneva convention for the universal human rights.
Fake News Piet strikes again.

There is no international law banning countries from requiring a minimum salary or a degree for granting a residence permit or for granting citizenship, in countries with an intelligent points based immigration system like Australia a PhD gives more points towards the minimum required for a visa than a Master's degree.

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by Piet » Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:43 pm

FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
Any person of at least average intelligence immediately recognizes that a text that does not even contain the word "Dutch" does not support your fake news that the Dutch were the reason for the foundation of Helsinki.
Any person not knowing trade in the Baltics in that time were done mostly by the biggest see power of Europe: the Dutch, should brush up on their History and think twice calling out someone else’s intelligence, which seems to indicate that you never got good grades at in school. So only mentioning the trade in that time with Tallinn, is enough to know it were the Dutch. The dutch were a world super power in that time, both in trade and in Navy. We actually sunk the Spanish Armada that came to punish us for our insolence..🤣
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
Any claims that Hans van Sanden was definitely Dutch are fake news, this is only a guess based on the name.
The exact inscription on the original gravestone is also unclear and disputed, part of it was guessed when the copy that exists today was made 300 years later.
The word "van" means it is Dutch, if it were "von" it is German. The difference between

In any case, the information that he was Dutch, comes from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, from his speech to the Finnish Swedisch Estonian and Norwegian MP's and military personnel, on the Marine ships docked in Helsinki Harbor in 2013 (Zr. Ms. De Ruyter & Zr. Ms. Evertsen). I was there too, on board, as being invited, talking with the top brass of EU Military, going to Kluuvi Hotel afterwards because there was a meeting. Contents of the meeting is classified but be assured the things these people tell are rarely fake news.
So if you say it is fake news, you accuse the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of lying in an international official Military meeting.... good for you!
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
You seem to be very determined to demonstrate continuously that you are not capable of reading and understanding even a simple text.
I would like to make the same remark about you instead. (something about a pot and a kettle?)

FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
Any normal person understands that the statement "Finns may be more closely related to the Dutch than to Hungarians" does not make any claims whether Finns are even closer related to Estonians or Swedes, and your absurd claim "most similarities from all European nationalities with the Dutch" can only be called fake news that was invented by you and is not written in this Yle article.
It is a matter of logic, as you state yourself already, the article does not mention any of that, however if you combine that with the headline, it would have been mentioned in the article, if Finns were closer related to Estonians or Swedes and it is not.
Why would it otherwise be newsworthy to mention "Dutch" at all?
Therefore the conclusion I made is not at all far fetched. Or would you say the title is just clickbait?
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
There is no international law banning countries from requiring a minimum salary or a degree for granting a residence permit or for granting citizenship, in countries with an intelligent points based immigration system like Australia a PhD gives more points towards the minimum required for a visa than a Master's degree.
I never said restrictions on entering are discrimination, your remark was discriminating.
But as you continuously accuse me of, maybe you should learn to read properly yourself... (I recall something about a pot and a kettle again?)

Somalis with a master degree are cleaners in Finland and do according to you, not contribute to society like Russians with a master degree.
Or do you want to imply with your remark that Somalis cannot have a master degree? and all Russians have one?
Lets take your remark and turn it around and replace the words Somali and Russian, would you still agree to that remark? I bet the answer is no, therefor it is discriminating.
Your remark was discriminating at least and almost bordering hate speech, like a significant part of your posts on this forum if I recall correctly.. (no not going to sift through them, I have to enjoy my retirement too).

It is obvious you hate the foreigners and according to your remark to Nukku Matti, especially those that come to Finland for love, either from EU or elsewhere. You call people that immigrate for love, people that ruin it for others, but these are the people that create babies that will later pay taxes and change your diaper... if you are so lucky and not have teased them away...

You should reconsider your point of view, like the current government... it is and remains a bad plan, regardless of the difference in our views and interpretations of some Yle articles which are just semantics and stories to let you see how wrong you are in these believes about foreigners and the need for them. There is a reason companies (and their shareholders) think it is a bad idea too, and this is of course out of earning money themselves, but do not forget, if they earn money, so does the Finnish state by receiving taxes… not everything goes to the shareholders alone. You only have to look at the amount of cleaning companies in Finland, working only with foreigners because Finnish people just do not want to do it, especially for that salary.

I had a cleaner last year, paid for by the city (koti-palvelu) when I had a medical problem, he was a foreigner with a doctoral degree, fired at a big Finnish company after Corona benefits for companies stopped. He went from a salary of 6000/kk to 1600/kk (I did not ask brute or nett).
He had to! otherwise he would lose his residence permit.

He moved here with his Family with 3 young kids and sold all his belongings in his home country, no easy way back. His wife was working as a cleaner now too because of the income limit for families, the city paid him now child care services for his children because he had 3 young kids they could not take care of themselves full time, because of the long and time consuming jobs on erratic hours needed for the income requirements of their permit….
He did not want to stay in Finland, but could not return with his family to his home country yet. That situation is so illogical and wrong to me.

Basically it all comes down on the following question and choice: do I want to share with others (Socialist or like the bible prescribes like a good Christian would know), or am I selfish and will I take advantage of each and everyone in my life to make sure I am ok and do not care about others (like a true capitalist or fake christian in name only will do).

I think there is no progress in your ability to comprehend and use logic, nor is there any realization of how bad your situation will be when you get really old (if ever), so I will give you the last word, as if you would not just take that.
I am going to use my time more efficient in regards to enjoying my retirement paid by Finnish workers/taxes now I still can. Have fun and call me names whatever you want.. I trust in the truth of my Fake news. I will check in a few months your answers again (if any). It was fun for a little while but now I get bored...last thing, you should get a date with Nukku Matti, he is really a nice guy when you get to know him.. trust me at least on that…

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by FinlandGirl » Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:53 pm

Piet wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:43 pm
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
Any person of at least average intelligence immediately recognizes that a text that does not even contain the word "Dutch" does not support your fake news that the Dutch were the reason for the foundation of Helsinki.
Any person not knowing trade in the Baltics in that time were done mostly by the biggest see power of Europe: the Dutch, should brush up on their History and think twice calling out someone else’s intelligence, which seems to indicate that you never got good grades at in school. So only mentioning the trade in that time with Tallinn, is enough to know it were the Dutch.
Only Fake News Piet would claim that at time when Helsinki was founded the Dutch had more trade in the Baltics than the Hanseatic League.

Tallinn was a member of the Hanseatic League whose trading places were avoided by the Dutch,
Piet wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:43 pm
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
Any claims that Hans van Sanden was definitely Dutch are fake news, this is only a guess based on the name.
The exact inscription on the original gravestone is also unclear and disputed, part of it was guessed when the copy that exists today was made 300 years later.
The word "van" means it is Dutch, if it were "von" it is German.
You are accusing the Queen of England of lying in a royal warrant.

Her Majesty the Queen of England wrote "Casper van Senden a merchant of Lubeck", and they were from (van) a German town where the German dialect is close to Dutch (which is basically a German dialect).
Piet wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:43 pm
FinlandGirl wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:46 am
Any normal person understands that the statement "Finns may be more closely related to the Dutch than to Hungarians" does not make any claims whether Finns are even closer related to Estonians or Swedes, and your absurd claim "most similarities from all European nationalities with the Dutch" can only be called fake news that was invented by you and is not written in this Yle article.
It is a matter of logic, as you state yourself already, the article does not mention any of that, however if you combine that with the headline, it would have been mentioned in the article, if Finns were closer related to Estonians or Swedes and it is not.
Why would it otherwise be newsworthy to mention "Dutch" at all?
Therefore the conclusion I made is not at all far fetched. Or would you say the title is just clickbait?
The title says "Finns in a Genetic Class of their Own", only Fake News Piet makes it all about the Dutch.

Any person who is not mentally handicapped understands the sentence "The researchers have therefore concluded that Finnish genetic ancestry follows geographical rather than linguistic patterns."

Finns are obviously closer related to the Estonians than to the Dutch, but that's not worth mentioning since that closeness is both geographically and linguistically.
Piet wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:43 pm
Somalis with a master degree are cleaners in Finland and do according to you, not contribute to society like Russians with a master degree.
Or do you want to imply with your remark that Somalis cannot have a master degree? and all Russians have one?
Lets take your remark and turn it around and replace the words Somali and Russian, would you still agree to that remark? I bet the answer is no, therefor it is discriminating.
The answer is "yes".

How many Somalis with a Master's degree who live in Finland do you know personally?

Do you personally know a single Somali with a Master's degree who is working as a cleaner in Finland, or is this just Fake News Piet showing his hatred of Finns again?

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by 37yqp8098y5 » Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:58 am

I'm just happy it's been extended. Finally a govt. that wasn't afraid to do something about clamping all the unsustainable migration.
The average Somali and Iraqi costs Finland €12,000 per person, per year.

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by hychamaz » Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:39 am

Everyone forgot about the idiot law. If your Doctor states that you cannot learn Finnish then you can be a citizen. Good luck finding a Doc to say that though...

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by hychamaz » Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:42 am

Everyone forgot about the real "idiot" law. If you can find a Doctor that states that you cannot learn Finnish then you can be a citizen. Good luck finding a Doc though....

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by heretostay » Fri Sep 08, 2023 2:49 am

hychamaz wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:42 am
Everyone forgot about the real "idiot" law. If you can find a Doctor that states that you cannot learn Finnish then you can be a citizen. Good luck finding a Doc though....
The law is intended for people with true cognitive disabilities and requires much more proof than a single doctor’s statement. My adult child has a cognitive impairment and qualifies for the exemption and even in a clear case it was extremely difficult to get migri to approve it.

I would kindly ask you to not refer to people suffering from cognitive impairments as idiots. Life is hard enough for them already without adding name calling and bullying.

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by hychamaz » Sat Sep 09, 2023 11:52 pm

heretostay wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2023 2:49 am
hychamaz wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:42 am
Everyone forgot about the real "idiot" law. If you can find a Doctor that states that you cannot learn Finnish then you can be a citizen. Good luck finding a Doc though....
The law is intended for people with true cognitive disabilities and requires much more proof than a single doctor’s statement. My adult child has a cognitive impairment and qualifies for the exemption and even in a clear case it was extremely difficult to get migri to approve it.

I would kindly ask you to not refer to people suffering from cognitive impairments as idiots. Life is hard enough for them already without adding name calling and bullying.
I'm calling myself an idiot because I qualified. You are the one judging!!!

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by Piet » Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:13 am

OFF TOPIC: @Finlandgirl

The Dutch only lost their access to the Baltics a little before 1438 and during the Hanseatic war due to the attempt of the hanseatic league to "limit" the grain trade by the Dutch , which ended in 1441 with the peace of Copenhagen.
So both before and after this little quarrel on the sea, it was business as usual...Helsinki was not build yet...

Get your facts straight..

Yes I know a Somali women with a PHD in economics and she is a cleaner and a good friend, why do you think I used it as an example... duh..

That the Queen of England call Hans van Sanden a merchant of Lubeck, does not mean he actually IS German, only his residence, I am not a Finn but live here anyway, does that make me a Finn duh (I hope not)... and Dutch is not a dialect of German, get your facts straight.
Lubeck is about 250km away from The Netherlands border and the Netherlands is only 250km wide... so not close and the language difference between Groningen dialect and German are huge, then we also still have the "Friisi" language next to it, which is more like old English and Danish.
We do however all learn German at school...we already did that before we got English and French at school (10's, 20's and 30's) This quickly changed after the war.

Dutch is a combination of Germanic influence, and Latin influence (France) but also Anglo - Saxon (Same as the Danes) Therefore definitely not a German dialect..

Now about genetics..
You forget some details in you explanation, where you mention of the relation (genetic = DNA) that Finns look more like Estonians, and guess what.... what do Estonians after several hundreds of years of trade (with a few years not due to the blockade in the war) with the Dutch look like... exactly...they mingled, so the Finns got their Dutch genes from both the Estonians and the Dutch themselves...
And then the Swedes, their language is pretty much similar as is Norwegian, there is a huge overlap in DNA between the Swedes and the Dutch as well...Reasons, they come form the same tribes:
Denmark and the Netherlands do not have any formal relations and are not part of the same geo-political region, but they do share a common history and ancestry through the Germanic tribes that originated from southern Scandinavia during the Bronze Age.
Both areas followed the Norse gods up until the Christianization of Europe, and Frisia upheld political, cultural, and commercial ties with the Scandinavian countries long before the Viking Age began.

But to get back to the point, from all European countries, the DNA from the Finnish is most similar to that of the Dutch and NOT the Estonians.
However, this does not mean that Finns are Dutch or even the biggest part of their DNA is Dutch... it is NOT, only a tiny part, if they would, they would have been more successful in trade and... well everything else..
The problem with Finnish DNA is also because it is basically isolated from the rest of the world like their language, it even has about 36 genetic disorders in its DNA that are found no-where else and are limited to Finnish DNA only, which finds it roots in Asia, as we all know. (Hitler in his twisted mind, did not particularly like the Finns because of that fact and viewed Finns as impure and expendable).

But of course this is all also fake news like all the other things that FinlandGirl does not want to hear... it is more busy with spreading it's foreigner hate over this forum so...
I can only see this as the little teenager kicking and fighting his parents because he thinks he knows better.... and then when grown up needs to say,, "mom, dad you were right after all"...

I rest my was fun, now I get bored...
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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by FinlandGirl » Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:28 pm

Piet wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:13 am
But to get back to the point, from all European countries, the DNA from the Finnish is most similar to that of the Dutch and NOT the Estonians.
Fake news Piet, we already understood that you are too stupid to understand the YLE article you linked to.

Noone believes your absurd fake news that of all countries the Finns would be most closely related with you Dutch, every genetic research says that our closest relatives are in Russia, Estonia and Sweden.

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by NansDrivel » Thu Oct 12, 2023 5:17 am

FinlandGirl wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:28 pm
Piet wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:13 am
But to get back to the point, from all European countries, the DNA from the Finnish is most similar to that of the Dutch and NOT the Estonians.
Fake news Piet, we already understood that you are too stupid to understand the YLE article you linked to.

Noone believes your absurd fake news that of all countries the Finns would be most closely related with you Dutch, every genetic research says that our closest relatives are in Russia, Estonia and Sweden.
Can you two please take this blather offline? Most of us would like to discuss issues that are relevant to Finnish citizenship, not scroll through post after post of this BS.

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Re: Citizenship residency permit is about to get prolonged to 8 years

Post by Piet » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:18 pm

NansDrivel wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 5:17 am
FinlandGirl wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:28 pm
Piet wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:13 am
But to get back to the point, from all European countries, the DNA from the Finnish is most similar to that of the Dutch and NOT the Estonians.
Fake news Piet, we already understood that you are too stupid to understand the YLE article you linked to.

Noone believes your absurd fake news that of all countries the Finns would be most closely related with you Dutch, every genetic research says that our closest relatives are in Russia, Estonia and Sweden.
Can you two please take this blather offline? Most of us would like to discuss issues that are relevant to Finnish citizenship, not scroll through post after post of this BS.
I agree, but that is what happens on a public forum, when someone is hellbent on criticizing everything you say and starts nitpicking on the little details that are not relevant for the discussion nor which are accurate.
You can always ask the moderator to remove all posts from both me and Finlandgirl, (I have absolutely no problem with that).

Now that said, to explain, I am also someone that will not give up that easily, when accused of being wrong (which Finlandgirl seems to make a habit of), in the believe that I am right.
Seems this runs in both my Family as well as it being a trait of my fellow countrymen. It is a cultural thing so to say.

You can comfort yourself with the knowledge that I visit this forum only a few times a year, it is just so funny to see that every single time I do so, my wannabe girlfriend Finlandgirl seems to spark a battle over words and details with me. It could be just her/his/ them / it 's tendency to be very negative and rude way of commenting on people without the feeling of context, As you can see in all it's posts..

In other words, I am not the only one having continuous word fights with her, this happens with others as well, I am not just the giving up kind of guy.

So if you really get disturbed by all the chatter in between, ask the moderator to remove the posts of us from the thread, you can do this easilly by reporting both posts from FinlandGirl and me at the same time with the button on top of the respective posts,

I hope I have helped you out here a bit..
have a nice summer
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