Competitiveness pact and the long(er) hours.

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Competitiveness pact and the long(er) hours.

Post by network_engineer » Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:41 am

Well, so, I had been saying this for a while.

And I am not usually the one to state expletives, but somehow the people get on my nerves that did not understand the simple concept of Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant. I.e. if a contract states 37,5 hours directly, then no general act or any agreement overrides that. It is also strange that the parliamentarians did not understand that. Also surprising that HR people did not understand that a specific contract overrides the general one!

For sure, a manager can come and say, we've now decided that everybody works 40 hours. An employee with 37,5 can say "that means either overtime/ raised salary, or no, thank you."

PS. "The employer may still appeal the court’s ruling in the appeal court or seek a precedent decision in the Supreme Court." I wonder what the view would be, if they chose to. Man was born free, any labour performed is in exchange for benefit. If the labour performed increases, so must the benefit.

Competitiveness pact and the long(er) hours.


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Re: Competitiveness pact and the long(er) hours.

Post by agroot » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:52 pm

Uh, it's sad enough people start to think increasing work hours can improve their business competitiveness. I thought someone who ran a business himself would know better...

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