Applying for Citizenship 2024

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by aurinkokukka » Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:30 pm

jcsmartin wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:50 am
aurinkokukka wrote:
Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:36 pm
Huh so I had the interview tuesday, wednesday was 8 057 people before me, yesterday 8036 and today did it drop so much.
is there anyone else in your family who applied before? This happens usually when they combine applications with family members.

I noticed my queue number has been dropping much faster than previous months during february. dropped almost 700 in 4 weeks, which is about 1.5 faster than the normal speed. The sweet spot on 5000’s seems to have increased to around 5500 as well.

I have one question to the forum, has anyone heard anyone granted citizenship while abroad? I am travelling quite frequently due to my work and I’m wondering what happens if they grant you the citizenship abroad and cancel your residence permit. How is the way back to Finland, through embassy?

I know some people said that we must notify migri when we are travelling but what if they just give the decision? I’m just thinking the worst scenario.
No, it was just a mistake on my part. I missed the first number in the case number.
My husband is Finnish and my son has triple citizenship from birth (1 from dad, 2 from me), so only I applied.

From their website, you need to inform them youre travelling and they cant grand a positive decision while youre youre abroad.

Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024


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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by aurinkokukka » Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:45 pm

TUserFin wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:03 pm
This morning one person from Finnish YKI Test 2021 facebook group scared me, as he found something in the new law which says that it should be applied to pending applications, also several people looked engaged in the direction of his view. Upon further invesitation, it looks like he is wrong, but I don't engage in Facebook to answer, sorry. Here is my answer

What he was saying is this

"According to the Citizenship law draft/proposal, the new law will affect pending applications, if it is passed in this way.
Tämä laki tulee voimaan päivänä kuuta 20 . Tämän lain voimaan tullessa vireillä olevaan kansalaisuushakemukseen sovelletaan tämän lain voimaan tullessa voimassa olleita 13 §:n 1 momentin 2 kohtaa, 14 §:n 1 momentin 3 kohtaa, 15, 16, 18, 18 a, 20 ja 22 §:ää, 23 §:n 2 momenttia ja 24 §:n 3 momenttia. ... 6m267xY5Ic"

Asked ChaptGPT to translate this
"When this law enters into force, the provisions of Section 13(1) paragraph 2, Section 14(1) paragraph 3, Sections 15, 16, 18, 18a, 20, and 22, Section 23(2), and Section 24(3) at the time of entry into force of this law shall apply to pending citizenship applications."

and asked ChaptGPT translate this to simpler English
The text states that when the new law comes into effect, certain sections of the previous law will be applied to pending citizenship applications. So, even though there's a new law in place, it's specifying that certain provisions from the old law will still be used for processing applications that were already in progress when the new law took effect

I haven't studies this secions in details, but the law still has this statement as well
"Tässä esityk-
sessä ehdotettuja muutoksia on siten perusteltua soveltaa niihin hakemuksiin, jotka tehdään
tässä esityksessä ehdotettujen muutosten tultua voimaan."

which means pending applications will not be affected. so, if someone has time to study it... but right now it doesn't look like pending applications will be affected.

We will see what happens, as last time they did enforce the new law retroactively on the pending applications.
So, hard to say what will happen.
The first part of the new law (residence) should probably come into effect before the summer or during summer.

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by TUserFin » Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:58 pm

aurinkokukka wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:45 pm

We will see what happens, as last time they did enforce the new law retroactively on the pending applications.
So, hard to say what will happen.
The first part of the new law (residence) should probably come into effect before the summer or during summer.

Hi. This is not true. Last time they changed law in 2011 and it was advantageous to applicants in queue

Here how it was in 2011

The Act will be applied as of 1 September to all applications, including pending ones
The new Act will be applied as of 1 September 2011 to all applications, even those that were filed before the Act entered into force
However, the good character requirement and language skills requirement in the previous version of the Act shall be applied if they are more advantageous for the applicant. ... ember-2011

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by aurinkokukka » Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:16 pm

TUserFin wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:58 pm
aurinkokukka wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:45 pm

We will see what happens, as last time they did enforce the new law retroactively on the pending applications.
So, hard to say what will happen.
The first part of the new law (residence) should probably come into effect before the summer or during summer.

Hi. This is not true. Last time they changed law in 2011 and it was advantageous to applicants in queue

Here how it was in 2011

The Act will be applied as of 1 September to all applications, including pending ones
The new Act will be applied as of 1 September 2011 to all applications, even those that were filed before the Act entered into force
However, the good character requirement and language skills requirement in the previous version of the Act shall be applied if they are more advantageous for the applicant. ... ember-2011
Yes, well, that means that they did enforce the new law onto the pending applications. Last time it was good, this time will be much worse if they decide to do so. Ive already submitted paper work all the way back to 2015 but not the vacation (that I only informed until I think 2017), so will have to add those missing days (not that i was much abroad).

About the criminal records, etc, do they also check from abroad, or just FInland? It doesnt matter in my case as I dont have anything, but asking cause its additional time for checking. I know that they get from Slovenia automatically but from Serbia will be a different matter (as not in EU) so wondering if I should tell my brother to take the statement for me there and get it translated already to speed up the process.

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by applicant2024 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:46 pm

that's what I asked 2 weeks ago that if the new law affects on the old pending applications and someone had explained that it according to what it i s written in the proposal it won't be applies ( page 22 or 23 on Forum ): Kansalaisuushakemusten käsittelyajat
vaihtelevat muutamista kuukausista yli kahteen vuoteen. Ehdotettujen muutosten tullessa voi-
maan on siten vireillä sellaisia kansalaisuushakemuksia, joiden tekijät ovat jättäneet hakemuk-
sensa siksi, että he ovat arvioineet täyttävänsä edellytykset voimassa olevien kansalaisuuslain
säännösten ja Maahanmuuttoviraston verkkosivuilla olevien tietojen perusteella. Tässä esityk-
sessä ehdotettuja muutoksia on siten perusteltua soveltaa niihin hakemuksiin, jotka tehdään
tässä esityksessä ehdotettujen muutosten tultua voimaan.

I hope it is true! otherwise it is so unfair. I do really hope that someone who has more information with a good knowledge of Finnish language confirms it! Though nothing has been approved yet, no one knows what's going to but I just know it doesn't make any sense if someone has applied for citizenship already after 4 years according to the current law and then they change it and say your case has been canceled, go and return after 5 years! I hope they are reasonable authorities behind this!

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by aurinkokukka » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:18 pm

applicant2024 wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:46 pm
that's what I asked 2 weeks ago that if the new law affects on the old pending applications and someone had explained that it according to what it i s written in the proposal it won't be applies ( page 22 or 23 on Forum ): Kansalaisuushakemusten käsittelyajat
vaihtelevat muutamista kuukausista yli kahteen vuoteen. Ehdotettujen muutosten tullessa voi-
maan on siten vireillä sellaisia kansalaisuushakemuksia, joiden tekijät ovat jättäneet hakemuk-
sensa siksi, että he ovat arvioineet täyttävänsä edellytykset voimassa olevien kansalaisuuslain
säännösten ja Maahanmuuttoviraston verkkosivuilla olevien tietojen perusteella. Tässä esityk-
sessä ehdotettuja muutoksia on siten perusteltua soveltaa niihin hakemuksiin, jotka tehdään
tässä esityksessä ehdotettujen muutosten tultua voimaan.

I hope it is true! otherwise it is so unfair. I do really hope that someone who has more information with a good knowledge of Finnish language confirms it! Though nothing has been approved yet, no one knows what's going to but I just know it doesn't make any sense if someone has applied for citizenship already after 4 years according to the current law and then they change it and say your case has been canceled, go and return after 5 years! I hope they are reasonable authorities behind this!
I hope so too, as the biggest problem for most people will be meeting the salary requirements since they will set it pretty high I bet in order to avoid immigration (or just have highly educated engineers and such).

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by quillcentaur » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:59 pm

The person in yki group already deleted his post because many pointed out to him, including native finns, that his interpretation was wrong. The new drafted bill that he shared will not affect people who submitted application and already met the requirements of old law.

Anyway everything is a draft at the moment so no one really knows for sure. We will know what they debate and pass as a law at some point.

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by just_passing_by » Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:38 am

Last edited by just_passing_by on Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by mamutti » Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:42 pm

just_passing_by wrote:
Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:38 am
Latest stats:
Total processed: ~121
Total processed with queue number > 4000: ~79
Processing median: ~10608/310/2023
New applications created: ~139

Migri is less productive this week. Last week they processed ~190 applications in total.

Hi! I would love to know, what kind of tool do you use to collect this data? Just out of curiosity, I would love to know 😀

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by just_passing_by » Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:51 pm

Last edited by just_passing_by on Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by Indian_Dude » Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:05 pm

just_passing_by wrote:
Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:51 pm
mamutti wrote:
Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:42 pm
Hi! I would love to know, what kind of tool do you use to collect this data? Just out of curiosity, I would love to know 😀
Any modern programming language will suit for collecting the data
Will it be ok to fetch data like this from migri website? does it need permission? is there any legal concern? Does migri able to track you back using ip address? If I send fetch request every quarter second? What is your self defense policy 😀?

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by oct.2023.RU.IT » Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:05 pm

Indian_Dude wrote:
Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:05 pm
Will it be ok to fetch data like this from migri website? does it need permission? is there any legal concern? Does migri able to track you back using ip address? If I send fetch request every quarter second? What is your self defense policy 😀?
This information can be collected legally because there is no personal information there. The problem is that the Migri server responds with a slight delay and because of this it takes some time to collect the information. For me it takes about two-three hours for 24k records (current number of active citizenship applications). If everyone tries to get information from the Migri bot, its performance will slow down a lot, so we should try not to overload it. That's why we don't put the scripts for collecting information in the public domain. But if you are interested in some specific information, I can provide it. In general, I can say that the data the `just_passing_by` provides is the most useful data you can get. And once a week is quite enough to get a picture of the process.
27 y.o female, C++ developer

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by Indian_Dude » Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:44 pm

oct.2023.RU.IT wrote:
Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:05 pm
Indian_Dude wrote:
Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:05 pm
Will it be ok to fetch data like this from migri website? does it need permission? is there any legal concern? Does migri able to track you back using ip address? If I send fetch request every quarter second? What is your self defense policy 😀?
This information can be collected legally because there is no personal information there. The problem is that the Migri server responds with a slight delay and because of this it takes some time to collect the information. For me it takes about two-three hours for 24k records (current number of active citizenship applications). If everyone tries to get information from the Migri bot, its performance will slow down a lot, so we should try not to overload it. That's why we don't put the scripts for collecting information in the public domain. But if you are interested in some specific information, I can provide it. In general, I can say that the data the `just_passing_by` provides is the most useful data you can get. And once a week is quite enough to get a picture of the process.
Thanks for the info. I am just curious, what is the oldest application Migri still processing? From year 2021?

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by oct.2023.RU.IT » Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:53 pm

Indian_Dude wrote:
Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:44 pm
Thanks for the info. I am just curious, what is the oldest application Migri still processing? From year 2021?
Oldest application is 1515/310/2021, soon it will be three years for this one. So 29 month is obviously not a maximum.
27 y.o female, C++ developer

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Re: Applying for Citizenship 2024

Post by m02b06 » Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:15 pm

I have a friend who waited 3+ years because he had a record and his guess is that migri was waiting for it to expire🤡 it was something like 5-10 years ago though. So it is definitely possible

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