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Post by jussi.petteri » Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:40 pm

heh, so if you totally agreed about the music why be a-hole about it?
people like yourself make this forum f-ing embarassing to us finns...


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Hank W.
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Post by Hank W. » Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:55 pm

Aah, you promote the traditional Finnish virtues here, tell me - did you belong to the SNS in the good old days' of Kekkoslovakia?
Cheers, Hank W.
sitting here like a lemon looking for a gin.

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Post by Galadriel » Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:48 pm

Well, I'm an american and unfortunately I have to say that katertomater is exactly the type of american that made me want to leave that country in the first place. The fact that this would even be a topic for discussion and have so much energy wasted on it, just makes my skin crawl. The average joe american is so uptight. Everytime I go back home to the states to visit, I am so relieved that I'm raising my children here in finland. There are far worse things in this world to protect your child(ren) from. IMO, when you make a big deal out of something like this, THAT's when your child(ren) will pick up on it and actually start to focus on it, possibly striking their curiosity to something they probably didn't even notice in the first place. I highly doubt children in an H&M store are even paying any sort of attention to the lyrics being played in the backround music while mommy shops. Americans are so easily offended by the smallest things and seem to make an issue out of everything, just wasting time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere. It's really time to lighten up.

This is just my opinion, I really don't mean to further upset you. This forum should allow every side to be spoken and this just happens to be my take on the subject. No offense intended.

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Post by dave071061 » Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:19 pm

Well put Galadriel,

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Hank W.
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Post by Hank W. » Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:27 pm

Galadriel wrote:IMO, when you make a big deal out of something like this, THAT's when your child(ren) will pick up on it and actually start to focus on it, possibly striking their curiosity to something they probably didn't even notice in the first place.
Now of course, when the kids are in the Finnish daycare, around playmates at the sandbox & eventually in school, they will pick up all the "Finnish courtesies". Naturally, instead of f-ing they'll start v-ing. Just listen to some teenage girls in a bus :roll: So all parents should take a crash course on the v* p* s* j* h* k* and s*i*m*h* (take a drive with me during the rush hour cross town), so they'll know *exactly* what their little darling told the neighbour's old lady that made her dentures clatter for a week... Its not the English language you need to be worrying about - your sprog can be cursing like a Finnish stevedore and all you can think is "how cute, already speaking fluent Finnish". So I'd concentrate on the words I don't understand... :lol:
Cheers, Hank W.
sitting here like a lemon looking for a gin.

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Post by RobWatson » Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:32 pm

I don't often post a reply on this forum, but this thread is just too good!

Thank you all for a thougherly interesting read. It has been really entertaining and interesting for a newcomer like me to read the culture clash and the exchange of debate. The different ways of seeing responsibility in society, and the extent that children should or should not be exposed - and indeed how to raise problems and debate them.

There is of course individual responsibilty in how we percieve and take up matters, as well as our national experiences. Thanks for sharing these views in such an pashionate and informative way :wink:
