Baby Food

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Baby Food

Post by chaitra » Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:25 am


My daughter is 8 months old and am trying to find differnt vegetarian protein rich food for her.
I was wondering if we could give Tofu to her.....does anybody know what kind of tofu can be given to babies?.
Can anybody suggest good Vegetarian food options for a 8 months old baby.

and am also having a tought time to weane her from breast milk to formula milk..any suggestions would help me. i have tried both tutteli and nan...she finds nan better but still at a time she drinks only 30ml.

Is there any remedy for too much air problem?? my daughter burps a lot and bcos of this she eats less and sometimes if she eats good...cos of the gas she throws up most of it. I checked with my neuvola nurse...but she was not of much help. Pl. suggest some remedies.


Baby Food


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Post by Shangri-La » Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:36 pm

Tofu is made of soybeans and other beans, it might create more gas problem if you feed to your baby. However I started to feed tofu to my daughter when she was 1 year old, and she liked it very much (but basically she eats almost everything and has no problem with any food). Tofu is a kind of very healthy food and it contains high protein.

Sorry I can't help much, that's the only thing I can tell you.

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Post by JuliaB » Fri Sep 08, 2006 4:32 pm

I gave my baby tofu and she did fine with it, here is a link to a web page with ideas for serving and general info about tofu.

Also, mine really liked lentel stews with tomatos and potatos and carrots. It can be made for whole family and then just blended for the baby (no salt of course).
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Post by Rosamunda » Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:33 pm

I have only seen reports about replacing regular formula with soja milk in infants under one year old. A paper had been published (maybe 5yrs ago) about links between soja milk given to girl babies in their first year and infertility later in life. I'm sure if you google you will find lots of information (with many conflicting points of view)!!!!

If you are planning to bring up your child as a vegetarian (in Finland) it maybe an idea to visit a nutritionist. I took regular professional advice for one of my kids who was (is) allergic to cows' milk protein: I was so concerned about his calcium intake.

It is one thing being on a vegetarian or vegan diet in tropical latitudes where fruit and vegetables are in plentiful supply all year round (and Vitamin D of course), but up here it VERY DIFFERENT. Get some professional advice.

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Post by chaitra » Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:41 pm

Thanks everybody for your suggestions...

I have got an appointment with a nutritionist next month...hopefully i will be able to see some improvement in her eating.

i have tried lentils, and my daughter loves it..but it has to be spiced up a bit with salt, pepper, onion and dill..i do this as i jus want her to get some proteins.

is it ok giving these things to the baby??

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Post by scoobymcdoo » Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:39 pm

Just watch how much salt you put inthe lentils- everything else sounds good. Salt is not good for the child and should be limited or not given at all.

My daughter (18 months) eats a vegetarian diet 90% of the time. She gets her protein from beans, milk (and velli), cheese, lentils and eggs.


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Post by JuliaB » Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:18 pm

Try using garlic instead of salt. It adds a nice punch of flavor and mine loves it. The only problem we've had with it is grandmother saying she can smell it on her breath.
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baby food

Post by chaitra » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:08 am

hi Julia,
thats good i will try to add garlic to her lenthils today and let u know how she takes it.

hi Hannah,

what kind of beans do u give ur daughter? and how do u give her egg..mine is jus 8 months and does not chew am mashing most of her food, she does not eat more than 2-3 spons of egg at a time?? is there any other better way of serving it to her?
well i seriously feel shes drinkng very less milk...i really do all possible things to make her drink milk like taking her out into a park or a ride in tram...these are some of the times she takes the bottle well..else at home its very difficult.


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Post by Shazzer » Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:20 pm

Hi Chaitra,
I got this list from my Neuvola as I'll be introducing solids to my baby soon.


1. Vegetables with high nitrate content
-chinese cabbage

2. Vegetable juices from root vegetables (juuresmehut)
- beetroots
- parsnips

3. New potatoes (varhaisperunat)

4. Canned fruits

5. Rhubarb

6. Dried peas & beans

7. Big portions of fresh peas, green beans and cabbage

8. Mushrooms

9. Beansprouts

10. Peanuts, almonds, seeds

11. Cocoa

12. Honey

13. Liver, liverpate and sausages

14. Salt

Please check with your Neuvola or nutritionist about seasoning baby's food. Where are you from? I would assume that the foods introduced to babies in your own country would be fine to introduce to your child eventhough you're here in Finland. All the best!

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Post by chaitra » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:14 pm

Thanks Shazzer,

there has been contradicting suggestions frm different nevola nurses...
infact my nevola nurse suggested me to give my baby seeds and almonds almost everyday?? she also suggested me to give lots of different kinds of beans.

but when i asked what beans she was not sure...she jus said she does not eat such food so she does not know.

if anybody know some proper food guide for babies frm 6 months to one year...please share it on the forum.


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Post by Rosamunda » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:55 pm

British Nutrition Foundation

For babies less than one year scroll to bottom of page to get "weaning" and "weaning to a vegetarian diet" and other info and links.

Toddlers age 1-4 years, click on the appropriate section on the left of the screen

Avoid websites that are sponsored by industrial food companies such as Gerber, Nestle etc.

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Post by chaitra » Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:20 am

I found this on the net ... this might be helpful.

thanks for all your suggestions

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Post by Shazzer » Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:49 pm

Can anyone advise on Commercial Baby Food?

I plan to prepare baby's food from scratch at home but was wondering about those times when we are travelling or out and about. Our little one just turned the Big Six (months) yesterday! And he just LOVES his food!

There are lots and lots of little jars lining the shelves and also boxes of baby cereal at the stores. Was advised on looking out for this brand HIPP (food jar) from Germany. Which is better - prepared food jars or cereal mixes?

Thanks in advance!

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Post by Rosamunda » Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:27 pm

My understanding is that ALL baby food has to comply with strict EU directives (eg no pesticides etc) so is essentially close to organic.... As your baby is still so small I would suggest sticking to simple foods that don't mix too many ingredients in the same jar. Plain jars of carrot puree for example.... not roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with sprouts, parsnips and potatoes and apples and custard all mushed up together!!! The general rule is one new food at a time.... which makes it much easier to identify any problem foods that might cause digestion problems.

I used the jars of vegetables and/or fruit a lot from 6-12 months. Then later on mine loved the fishy ones.

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Post by scoobymcdoo » Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:13 pm

Baby food wise... Sophie started solids one week before her 6 month birthday. We made it all ourselves. To begin with she was only on one meal a day so it was easy when out and about becuase we could just feed her at home. By 9 months she was on 3 meals a day and it was harder to take pre-prepared home food with us. To our horror though she only liked 3 jars out of the full range (all makes) and to this day will only eat the sloppy jarred stuff! By 9 months though she was on finger foods and we could get away with a sandwich or bits of pasta. To be honest, jars would have been much easier.

Nowadays she eats whatever we have but I always have an emergency jar in my bag just in case.

Breakfast wise we used the cereal mixes- for variety we use them every so often, they are especially good when she is teething.

Go for the home made stuff as much as you can but use some jars when necessary. I wouldn't aim for a specific make like Hipp or Nestle- go with what he likes...we learnt that way!

Have fun weaning!


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