looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Vesper » Sun May 24, 2009 12:27 am

hayesbrien wrote: I've also heard that the ski resorts further north have been desperately understaffed and will hire non Finnish speaking people, so if I can last until winter I might give that a shot.
umm, I think it's about an 8-10 hour drive to Lapland if you are talking about the ski resorts there.

Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.


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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Upphew » Sun May 24, 2009 12:04 pm

hayesbrien wrote:Pursuivant,
I didn't divulge this information at first because I never asked about a permit, it had nothing to do with my question at all. I just asked for some possible hints on places to look for work as I ALREADY KNEW I WOULD GET A PERMIT. As for assuming you are a mind reader, no I didn't, but I did assume you could read. It seems even that was just too much to ask of you.
Yet many times when people just ask about jobs they neglect that they might need a permit. So answering to them would be kinda pointless as they couldn't get into the system. When supplied with insufficient information one must make assumptions.
hayesbrien wrote:Don't worry, you're not the only understimulated moron on here, several other illiterate people then managed to go off on a tangent and post replies without reading my question with some more tripe and insults that are completely irrelevant, good work morons, I have a big yellow star for your forehead when I arrive in Finland.
Are you nazi or something? Jossei heilaa helluntaina, ei heilaa koko kesänä? Sieg Heil! o/
hayesbrien wrote:I simply asked for some suggestions on getting work, not your morose, pathetic, depressing disposition on life. Perhaps life wouldn't be so difficult for you if you maybe, GOT A LIFE OF YOUR OWN, honestly it's not that hard. Posting hate on forum sites all day long is just plain sad so don't bother me with your worthless existence and useless opinions anymore, I have no interest in it.
But one part of getting the job is having right permits? And as I said earlier it isn't crystal clear to everyone. So you got your suggestions, maybe in somewhat flammable manner, but that shouldn't come as surprise if you have been lurking here?
http://google.com http://translate.google.com http://urbandictionary.com
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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by interleukin » Sun May 24, 2009 12:20 pm

People are tired of all the "I am moving to Finland, happy happy joy joy" posts where the OP finds out that he/she actually is not allowed to come to Finland without applying for it. Those clueless idiots tend to wear everyones' patience thin. And to the OP of this thread: By not giving out relevant information in your thread, you made yourself look like one of those people.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Pursuivant » Sun May 24, 2009 1:00 pm

hayesbrien wrote:I didn't divulge this information at first because I never asked about a permit, it had nothing to do with my question at all.
It had everything to do with your question. Its a waste of time answering as the answer depends exactly on the person's status. As if you'd been a Canadian, then no working holiday=no permit = no use as there is no work found like that. Then a Canadian with an UK passport = UK =EU = no problem with paperwork. It all depends on what exactly you are.
As for assuming you are a mind reader, no I didn't, but I did assume you could read.
Yes, you wrote like a feckless eejit, so I answered to one.
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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Vesper » Mon May 25, 2009 1:31 am

hayesbrien wrote:hoping to find some English speaking work there.
The residence permit is the 1st barrier, getting a job without understanding or speaking Finnish is the ultimate barrier. Chances are most Finnish employers will not look at your English written resume. Try typing your resume in Finnish. they might give it a look, but convincing them you are going to stay in rural Finland forever is another challenge.
hayesbrien wrote:I have a bachelor of graphic design from Australia and would love to get a position in Design/motion graphics/film post production,
Unfortunately, as post in other topics, foreign degrees are not considered as equivalent to Finnish degrees to employers. The education is free in Finland, so most Finns hold Master degrees. So, it's going to be hard standing out of the crowd.
Especially, when you don't speak Finnish.
hayesbrien wrote:but since I can't speak Finnish I would be happy with just about anything.
every foreign would be more than happy to wash toilets to keep their Finnish dreams alive.

You are kidding yourself if you think it’s going to be easy getting a dish washing job only speaking english.
Most people on this forum are realistic not morons.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by australin man » Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:46 pm

its sooooooo funny!!! the finns just give !"#¤% to everyone! thats all i see! theres heeps of jobs! ive been here 3 years its piss ezy! alot of finns cant be bothed to get a job but thay will sit in school 4 as long as thay CAN!!! go hard mate!!!

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by rinso » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:22 am

Yes, it is possible. But if it is easy, that is a different matter.
I would say if you don't speak (fluent) Finnish it will be next to impossible.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by joulupukki » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:48 am

Pursuivant wrote:So you are an Australian and just "moving to Tampere"? Just like that? How do you expect to find a job without a permit? Feckless eejit :lol:
How come this is the first post in this topic? It looks like a reply. It even has Pursuivant as the OP in the forum post list thing.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by jahasjahas » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:21 pm

joulupukki wrote:
Pursuivant wrote:So you are an Australian and just "moving to Tampere"? Just like that? How do you expect to find a job without a permit? Feckless eejit :lol:
How come this is the first post in this topic? It looks like a reply. It even has Pursuivant as the OP in the forum post list thing.
The OP's messages have been removed.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by LeneBR » Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:33 am

I really don´t get why people want so bad to come to Finland?? It is so much better countries on this world, specially if looking in the economic side. This is a country for retired or be at home doing nothing because the system just push u out of work. It is sooooooo frustrating! I really don´t get it at all! :lol: :shock: :lol:
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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Sami-Is-Boss » Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:31 pm

Most of the time they're following a woman/man, they don't have a choice. I'm sure that if they had a choice they'd move somewhere else

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Flossy1978 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:31 am

I don't understand why an AUSSIE would 'choose' to come here.....

If they were to get married, I'd beg their partner to keep them in Australia..... It would be a condition of mine if I were home in Australia. 'We stay in Oz'.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by cors187 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:23 am

australin man wrote:its sooooooo funny!!! the finns just give !"#¤% to everyone! thats all i see! theres heeps of jobs! ive been here 3 years its piss ezy! alot of finns cant be bothed to get a job but thay will sit in school 4 as long as thay CAN!!! go hard mate!!!
I like this one,
Aussie , hardened , ready to compete , showed his colors, now everyone wants him , its too easy.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Oho » Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:02 am

Sami-Is-Boss wrote:Most of the time they're following a woman/man, they don't have a choice. I'm sure that if they had a choice they'd move somewhere else
No kidding, in reality they all have a choice, and in quite a few cases it seems like these people have rather opportunistically sought to hitch a westerner to gain access to a western country and ended up having a nibble from a Finn or a resident whom they hope to use as means rather than end, pardon my cynicism.

Paying nearly 30 000 year on taxes I loathe this Finland is a an entitlement sentiment so rife in general discussion these days. Not everyone should be entitled to move to Finland, only those who want to.

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Re: looking for english speaking jobs in tampere.

Post by Flossy1978 » Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:56 pm

Jesus, I don't even want to know what type of salary you have to be paying 30,000€ in taxes. Or you own your own business I guess.

But thank you for paying that amount, anyway.... As my son is getting a great education because of it :) That's a thanks in the most sincere way possible :)

I know I am not paying enough in taxes to cover the education and all the other jazz my child gets. So I make no complaints about what I do pay. But I am also a poor b*stard cause I pay way too much in taxes for my little income, cause I just have to live in one of the most expensive 'taxable income' municipalities in the countries. When I have co-workers who live in Helsinki on the same salary as me and they pay a whole lot less in taxable income. Oh well.... What can you do? LOL. My kid has a better standard of living in some ways where I live. Some ways not. All adds up I guess.

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