Looking for free accomodation.

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Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Goran » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:53 am

Hi there folks, Im 28 years old male, coming from a country where your monthly salary is 150 euros per month and monthly expenses are 300euros.
Thanks to that , me and my family are slowly but surely drowning in bills, hardly putting and to end each month.
Aside of that, many ideas and plans seems to be unreachable and more far every single day.

However, i really hate to complain and stuff, and i least want to make any of you feel sorry or whatsoever, but desperate times make us do desperate actions.

And this is my desperate action:

I would like to ask any of you that might be seeing this post, if anyone would be able to provide me with accommodation there in Finland, and possibly, assist me into getting a job, or provide me one.

I am not asking for actual money, but honestly for a chance, where i could situate my self in Finland and then help my family, which probably i would be able to do it year of two after i start living and working in there. And one of my biggest goals is to finally see my distance girl friend with whom im in 3+ years online relationship, and the only reason why we havent started being together, and building our family, is financial reasons, since she lives in asia etc.

For those that might be interested and willing to help, you should know that I have many different experiences and skills as worker, since i been working many things around here, because if i would be peeky, i wouldnt be alive now, or something like that. So i basically have worked anything from office work, to houses building and so on.
Some of my skills that might be useful are video editing, web design, photoshop, online marketing, camera guy(outdoor(weddings, journalism) and studio) and others.
I am lately getting horny about learning game development, but for that i have to study programing and stuff, which is one of the reasons why i chose Finland, because of the quality tech education, aside of the least corrupted systems ever on world level, and of course the living standard which is 10 times higher then where i live.

More details on where i live, whats my name etc, would be provided to the ones that would be willing to assist me, and contact me.
We could meet on Skype, and talk, so you could see who you might be dealing with, and so on.

Thanks in advance to anyone that might be willing to help, and let all of you be blessed.

Looking for free accomodation.


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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Kayttaja1 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:01 pm

Are you EU citizen?

First you should learn game development and build an outstanding portfolio for yourself.

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Flossy1978 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:41 pm

You Greek, huh? :D

What makes you think living in Finland will be any better? You need to learn Finnish to begin with.

And seriously, who is going to give you free accommodation and find you a job? The times are tough everywhere, especially in small countries like Finland.

Why not go and live in much cheaper Asia, with your girlfriend???

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Goran » Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:41 am

Yes I do, have EU citizenship, and no I am not Greek.

Thanks for your honest advices , and let me elaborate why somethings aren`t happening.

First i have to work whatever in here which is mostly 10+ hours daily, which doesnt leaves me peace of mind to focus on learning to code to advanced level, its sort of luxury for me, right now.

I do like the Asia being cheaper suggestion, and I am most likely to end up there since where I would be going, they do have nice cheap standard and flexible business conditions etc.

While, for the comment, that I do ask someone to give me money like 10k+ euros, NO!
We could, make a deal that I would pay back to you, after I start earning, even officially sign some contract or similar.
Even if there would be someone to provide me accommodation completely free and as act of humanity, I would still not let it be unpaid, as soon as I would be earning, would be paying my stay in there for the coming months, and some extra, for the first "free" month.

Speaking about finding a job.

I do have familiar peoples (not many) in Finland, which might assist me into getting a job too, or at least direct me.
Now the reason why they are not able to help me with accommodation is that they are only a year there and still situating, and building their way to safer life in Finland.

However, anyone seriously interested to assist, will get more on the story through Skype, talking personally to me.

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Flossy1978 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:24 pm

And from what EU country are you from?

Do you really expect strangers to just trust you?

Go to Asia. You made it clear that's where you'll end up probably.

You won't get a job in Finland. Why would they employ you when so many of their own people are out of work?

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Goran » Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:36 am

I would bring money with my self, its just that, i wont have enough to pay accommodation.
So anyone that has to offer spare room for free for a month/bed, is cool with me.

Its not that I am asking for someone to pay me 5 stars hotel room, I never said I am asking literally for cash on hand and such stuff, since I know my self, that its not easy to just give money to a completely stranger. And yes, having someone complete stranger, living in your place, is also awkward, not just for the host but would probably be as same as awkward for me too, but then once again...its desperate action.

While for getting a job, there is tricks that many of those who migrated to Finland, or even in other EU countries, things can be done to have your self employed and wanted by the employers. One of those things is, to register your self as self employed, and pay your own taxes, which according to what i got informed, does rise your chances to be employed, by someone else while you take care for your own taxes etc.

The other trick is to dont be picky about jobs, even if its on a lower lever comparing to your education its still better to have one, instead of none. So in mean while you can compensate and re-educate your self with the necessary skills that are wanted.

One of the true facts are, that even do you guys are saying that there is no job for native peoples in there, which I believe is true, still there is a reason why peoples migrate in there. And if you think the living and surviving conditions in there, are bad...well come and live where I live :D.

Just a small example: here I do work for 5+ euros a day, mostly without insurance, and in a decade of constant working I have 1 year insurance covered only.

Doing the same job in there , no matter which job it is, will be paid lot more, and whats the best, your will be having your insurance covered, either by your self or the employer, and there is not much corruptions and workers rights manipulation comparing to here.

Its one obvious life rule: You dont know what you have until you lose it.
So you guys be happy about how is there from economical point of view.

While for some of your advices and comments that might be sounding, negative or sort of cruel, I still appreciate it and take it as honest comments based on your own experiences, so its nice to be aware about it.

But you know, life is only 60 years , and I dont want to spend it struggling, but would rather spend it creating things, for my self and with that for the community around me.

And even do, with all this comments and opinions, nothing is practically happening, I am still thankful to it, since lately it hard to even talk to someone that would stop and separate moment of their lives, to give you an honest and good advice.
Its all energy that would still, one way or another contribute into attracting the goal of the idea that caused this post to happen.

Thanks once again guys.

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Flossy1978 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:53 am

You won't get a lower job because they're the ones which need you to speak Finnish.... A cleaner, working in Macdonald's, etc.

As for people migrating to Finland. They go there for various reasons. You can for sure turn up with nothing as an EU resident, but I believe after three months you need to prove you can support yourself, etc. There are refugees etc. They migrate to get away from serious danger to their lives. You aren't in serious danger.

Where in the EU are you from? I find it hard to believe you make only 5€ a day. For sure that would be against some EU rules.

You'll never get a job in one month.

I lived in Finland for fourteen years. I'm back in my own country. I know what it's like not to have all the benefits the Finnish Government provides for their people and permanent residents. I receive very little from my own Government. Not that I'm expecting anything. I work and pay all for myself. But yes, I know what it's like not to be in the level of living Finland has.

What can you offer Finland? Nothing really. Fix your life in your own country. Or go to Asia. It'll be easier for you.
Last edited by Flossy1978 on Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by betelgeuse » Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:29 am

Flossy1978 wrote:You won't get a lower job because they're the ones which need you to speak English.... A cleaner, working in Macdonald's, etc.
Do you mean Finnish instead of English? Cleaning might work in English but any customer interaction job like Macdonald's strongly prefers Finnish skills.
Flossy1978 wrote: As for people migrating to Finland. They go there for various reasons. You can for sure turn up with nothing as an EU resident, but I believe after three months you need to prove you can support yourself, etc. There are refugees etc. They migrate to get away from serious danger to their lives. You aren't in serious danger.
There's no mechanism to find out people who overstay the three months. However, you will not have access to any public services and many contracts like utilities require registered residence.
Flossy1978 wrote: Where in the EU are you from? I find it hard to believe you make only 5€ a day. For sure that would be against some EU rules.
There are no rules. Bulgaria had an average net salary of 325 euros in 2014 so having a low paying job for 5€/d sounds plausible.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_E ... erage_wage

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Beep_Boop » Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:20 pm

It's highly likely that he's from Macedonia. The salaries are indeed like he's describing.
The issue here is that he seems to think that Macedonia is an EU country.
Every case is unique. You can't measure the result of your application based on arbitrary anecdotes online.

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Querfeldein » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:19 am

adnan wrote:The issue here is that he seems to think that Macedonia is an EU country.
That's a very bold assumption. Don't you think that the OP would know whether his country belonged to the EU or not? Believe me, for people in countries such as Romania (in) or Moldova (out), it makes a huge difference.

I think tummansininen has given some constructive advice, but some other comments are just spite. If you have nothing helpful to say, why waste your time?

To Goran, I think it's highly unlikely you'll find someone on this forum who will offer you free accommodation, and if you do, be very careful it's not a scam. If you already know people in Finland, ask them for help, both with jobs and with housing - they'll be much more likely to understand your specific circumstances than any of us. I can also understand your desire to emigrate (from what you describe, I'd probably do the same), but if your contacts in Finland can't help you in any meaningful way, I would probably chose a different country. Seeing that you speak English, the most obvious destination might be the UK, which also has lower unemployment rates (as do Germany or the Netherlands, to give just two examples).

For now, without programming skills, becoming a games developer sounds like a pipe dream. A former colleague of mine joined a gaming start-up company in the UK, and found it tough to begin with, even though he had stronger programming skills than me (and I work full time on computer simulations). Of course, that doesn't mean you should give up on your dreams; just because something is difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't try. But your chances in Finland won't be significantly higher than in the UK or Germany, and your chances to build a decent life for yourself in the meantime are probably lower, because of the poor economy and your lack of language skills.

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by Goran » Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:55 pm

I did also reconsidered UK, as option and its quiet achievable, tho I would need to do some stronger saving methods, but in half year I would probably do it.

As the rest of you advised, in Finland, and similar, the native country language could be a real obstacle as way of interaction.

I actually faced that sort of problem in Czech, where i was able to get well paid job, but the language was a must.

However guys I am already negotiating with peoples in Austria, and UK, and time will say what will happen.

On another hand, i wouldnt recommend anyone else to use this way of looking for way out of their troubles, since ending up as a scam victim is 50-50 chance.

But still, you can never know.

While for my goal into game development, as many of you advised, coding skills are strongly needed, aside of the many software out there giving you the ability to create logical point and click games functionality, still you can not achieve perfectness without knowing to code, and even then it depends on the game it self, its huge market for it self and huge and professional competition, so yeah, you gotta be well skilled before you even dare.
Even then, success its also result of great marketing and all those stuff that come with it.

While for my nationality , I was clear at my first post, that any extra information about me, I would give to anyone interested, over Skype.
Its internet after all, and its not ok to leave personal information on public places, like this forum.

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Re: Looking for free accomodation.

Post by stadinslangi » Wed May 18, 2016 7:51 am

Hi Goran,

I was reading your post and I can quite understand your situation, also pain. But believe me, if you are brave enough to moved out of your own comfort zone and struggled out this much, you can continue to work to your goal. There is not much updates lately. Are you still in Finland? I have heard that in Germany and UK there is better chance than in Finland. Finland is more like a pillow for resting or a zone that to keep organic development of personal life, tunnel. So, wish you the best.

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