Family lawyer Helsinki

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Family lawyer Helsinki

Post by treparcs » Sat Jan 07, 2017 11:39 pm

Good morning,

I'm looking for a recommendation for a family lawyer in the Helsinki area. It would be great to deal by phone or mail.
I have an agreement regarding child support and I'd like to get advice regarding my chances to modify it.

Has anyone got lucky getting a judge to agree that the travel expenses of seeing the kids are to be deducted when calculating the support?

I'm currently flying between countries every other week and the expenses are killing me.

Thanks in advance

Family lawyer Helsinki


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Re: Family lawyer Helsinki

Post by rinso » Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:39 am

treparcs wrote:Good morning,

I'm looking for a recommendation for a family lawyer in the Helsinki area. It would be great to deal by phone or mail.
I have an agreement regarding child support and I'd like to get advice regarding my chances to modify it.

Has anyone got lucky getting a judge to agree that the travel expenses of seeing the kids are to be deducted when calculating the support?

I'm currently flying between countries every other week and the expenses are killing me.

Thanks in advance
The child support is exactly what it says; money to support the child. It is not a kind of punishment for you (where you could include those extra costs).
So don't expect much if you try to reduce the support. It is more likely that a different visiting schedule with less traveling involved is suggested.

For a lawyer, try to contact:

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Re: Family lawyer Helsinki

Post by betelgeuse » Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:20 pm

rinso wrote: The child support is exactly what it says; money to support the child. It is not a kind of punishment for you (where you could include those extra costs).
So don't expect much if you try to reduce the support. It is more likely that a different visiting schedule with less traveling involved is suggested.
The Supreme Court has ruled otherwise. From the non binding guidelines regarding child support:
Ohjeen mukaan lapsen tapaamisoikeuden toteuttamisesta aiheutuvat matkakustannukset otetaan huomioon sen vanhemman elatuskyvyn vähennyksenä, joka vastaa kustannuksista. Edellytyksenä matkakustannusten huomioon ottamiselle on kuitenkin se, että kustannukset ovat vähäistä suuremmat. Vastaava edellytys on asetettu myös oikeuskäytännössä (KKO 2003:66). Ohjeen mukaan matkakustannukset otetaan huomioon vain siltä osin kuin niiden määrä ylittää 100 euroa kuukaudessa.

Matkakustannusten huomioon ottamiselle asetetaan ohjeessa lisäksi enimmäismäärä. Matkakustannukset voivat yksittäistapauksissa olla niin huomattavat, että jos ne vähennettäisiin täysimääräisesti tapaamiskustannuksista vastaavan vanhemman elatuskyvystä, hänelle ei jäisi lainkaan elatuskykyä, jolla hän voisi osallistua lapsen elatuksesta aiheutuvien kustannusten kattamiseen. Tasapainoisena ratkaisuna, jossa otetaan huomioon pyrkimys turvata samanaikaisesti sekä tapaamisoikeuden toteutuminen että lapsen perustoimeentulo, on pidetty sitä, että vanhemman elatuskykyä laskettaessa matkakustannuksia otetaan huomioon enintään 100 euroa kuukaudessa. Näin voidaan turvata vähintään se, että lapsen yhteys hänestä erossa asuvaan vanhempaan ei kokonaan katkea taloudellisista syistä, ilman että lapsen elatukseen käytettävä rahallinen panos kuitenkaan jää kohtuuttoman pieneksi suurten matkakustannusten vuoksi.
This suggests getting a deduction of 100 euros should be straightforward. ... mi_87s.pdf

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Re: Family lawyer Helsinki

Post by ajdias » Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:41 pm

Max 120 eur/child, in excess of costs of 120 eur/child, according to this Elatus laskuri:
Lapsen tapaamisoikeuden toteuttamisesta aiheutuvat vähäistä suuremmat matkakulut kirjataan sen vanhemman kohdalle, joka kustannuksista vastaa. Kirjaa kuukausittaiset tapaamiskulut tähän vain siltä osin kuin niiden määrä ylittää 120 euroa / lapsi. Tuon summan ylittävästä osasta huomioidaan tässä kuitenkin korkeintaan 120 euroa / lapsi.

(You need to hoover your mouse over "Matkakulut lapsen tapaamisesta" to see it). OP: it's probably a good idea to run the calculations through that online form for yourself. This is the same calculation the lastenvalvooja uses to calculate the amount to pay to the lähivähempi (at least in HKi). You're entitled to have the amount reviewed if the new amount is 20% lower (or higher, but you would not want that, would you :D ) than the current. If the other parent refuses to meet with the Lastenvalvooja, you have grounds to take him or her to court and demand a new amount.

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Re: Family lawyer Helsinki

Post by treparcs » Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:26 pm

Thanks a lot for the replies.
I went thru the calculator and it shows a big difference so I'll contact some lawyer to give me advice.

I wonder if some of them will give me the same reply as the first person in the post.

I think that the kids have the right to see their parents so I don't see how a judge will suggest to reduce the visits if you can't pay them.

Like to see the parents is a normal cost as going to school or clothes, I think it is unfair that one parent has to take the full amount by himself

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Re: Family lawyer Helsinki

Post by Flossy1978 » Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:10 am

Yes, but does the sum you pay even cover 50% of the child's cost of living? And what about the fact the primary parent has the children much more than you, so their costs are lot more.

Child Support is a pittance in Finland. It never covers even half of the cost of children. So many just pay the measely minimum amount. And if that is all you are paying, then shame on you for wanting even more taken off.

Why do you live overseas? Was it your choice to? You should look for a job in Finland. Or change custody agreements. It is not fair to take even more money from your children.

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Re: Family lawyer Helsinki

Post by ajdias » Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:08 pm

treparcs wrote:Thanks a lot for the replies.
I went thru the calculator and it shows a big difference so I'll contact some lawyer to give me advice.
Prob too late now, but you don't need a lawyer if your ex-partner is willing to talk and meet at the Lastenvalvoja, agreements signed there are as valid those of courts.

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