Origin of funds Student RP

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Origin of funds Student RP

Post by Anoirsana » Sun Jun 10, 2018 6:41 am

hello people
I have two inquiries
in the origin the funds section I uploaded the pay slips of my father along with his employment contract with a document to prove the family ties
my father salery is around 1550 Euros a month
I deposited the money myself in 23th April 2018 cash deposite (he gave me the money) I won't withdraw the money untill days before I travel if I GET THE RP

the thing which is I'm worried about is my father doesn't have a currency savings account ...
he gets his salery through (Postal courant account) P.C.A a special type for payment in my country (Algeria)

is it true they require also a bank statement of the sponsor ? my father doesn't use the bank account
I uploaded only his pay slips with his employment contarct

another question is that I visited Finland twice this year and my passport holds two Finnish shengen Visas
could this factor make the application stonger ?
and thank you

Origin of funds Student RP


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Re: Origin of funds Student RP

Post by 136472Makemake » Sun Jun 10, 2018 4:25 pm

I believe that should be enough, as long as you provide a bank statement of your own account with enough funds for the whole year in the "Clarification on income" section.

> is it true they require also a bank statement of the sponsor ?
I don't think so. I have two bank accounts, one of which can only be used in my country, and I provided a statement from the bank saying that the money in that first account was deposited by my father (though the account is in my name). It was enough and I got the RP.

> another question is that I visited Finland twice this year and my passport holds two Finnish shengen Visas
could this factor make the application stonger ?
As long as everything is in order there's no reason they should care about this, but it might make them more comfortable making their decision.

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Re: Origin of funds Student RP

Post by lujain_lg » Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:03 pm

I am dealing with a similar situation.

If I could ask you about the payslips, How many payslips did you provide? since the system where I live is, Employees, get a payslip for each month.

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